Rebel Politik

"Art‬ should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed" -Bansky

About Rebel Politik

Rebel Politik cartoons portray narratives that are missing from mainstream media discourse about international and domestic political, economic and social issues.

The name ‘Rebel Politik’ took birth as an idea counter to the German word realpolitik, a statist concept that considers politics as ‘pragmatic and practical’.  ‘Rebel Politik’ looks at politics, both domestic and international, through the narrative of peoples and working-class struggle and movement.

In solidarity,

With Love & Comradeship,

Rebel Politik

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

3 thoughts on “About Rebel Politik

  1. It was a great pleasure visiting your blog… keep up the fine work. Political satire is a great way of talking truth to power. Greatly impressed by your ability to transfer emotions and ideas into sketch


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