Rebel Politik

[Cartoon] Kashmir: The Resistance


‪#‎Kashmir‬ ‪#‎Resistance‬ ‪#‎Azaadi‬
Kashmir under total siege after killing of rebel leader ‪#‎BurhanWani‬ by Indian force

With the killing of ‪#‎Burhan‬ Wani, a famous rebel face in #Kashmir India has put its leg right into the eye of an emerging storm. The emergence of right-wing Hindutva government (known for its communal politics) in India and J&K; increased human right violations by Indian forces and, an emergence of a new wave of young rebel fighters backed by a mass support hardened by years of oppression will sound the death knell for the Indian rule.

Whether or not one subscribes to the ideology of Burhan and his associates, they were the face of a population scarred by years of persecution by a ‘democracy.’ They were the face of a society demanding their right of self-determination (#Azaadi).

And for ‪#‎India‬, it has to understand it cannot walk much over the bodies of the dead, one day the ground will crumble under its feet.

(V. Arun/ | 09 July 2016)
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